International Partner Agreements

Strategic Partnerships

A strategic partnership builds on the traditional relationship between institutions to include broader-based cooperation such as faculty and staff exchanges. Strategic partnerships include as much participation from the university in the collaboration between the institutions. Joint and coordinated courses and classes are encouraged, as are other ways of cooperating online and digitally.

In addition, there may be the possibility of degree cooperation, dual or joint degrees, research partnerships, curricular partnerships, or other innovative joint ventures. The University of Denver is also looking at collaborative governance with its strategic partners, involving joint grant applications and DU's Internationalization Council.

Ways We Collaborate

DU collaborates with its international partners through faculty exchanges, research collaborations, and study abroad opportunities.

All Partnerships Are Important

Strategic partnerships strengthen the other relationships by bringing them into clearer focus and providing for a bridge between the various institutions.

What is the ideal strategic partnership?

The ideal strategic partnership capitalizes on the strengths of each institution in a complementary fashion and involves a certain amount of mutual vision and belief in the benefits of the partnership itself.

Current Partnerships

These strategic partnerships are helping to change communities and shape the world of education for the future.


Some examples of collaborations DU has with Strategic & Priority Partnerships are the Global Masters Scholars Programs in Lund, Glasgow and Perth, various faculty exchanges and research collaborations, and a dual Juris Doctor Program with the University of Western Australia.

How to Get Started

If you or your department is interested in collaborating with DU's Strategic and Priority Partners, the Office of Internationalization can help.