Internationalization Grants
The Office of Internationalization offers internationalization grants to deepen faculty and staff engagement, strengthen strategic partnerships and create campus initiatives. Submit questions to
The 2024-25 Spring cycle opens February 3, 2025 and the proposal is due to department chairs/directors March 3, 2025. Grants are for use April 15, 2025 through June 15, 2026.
*Please note that the grant application process made some changes in the last cycle with a move to an online form to streamline the communication process. This is not an automated system and applicants must refer to the instructions listed in the How to Apply section to ensure all steps of the process are complete.
Spring 2025 Grant Cycle Details
Welcome to the grant application process. We will continue with an electronic format for each step to improve efficiency for applicants and INTZ staff tracking proposals. There are online forms through the Microsoft Forms platform that will capture support from chairs / directors and signature approval from Deans. Forms can only be accessed by University of Denver accounts. If users are not signed into Microsoft 365 the form will prompt them to sign in using their login information. A traditional letter of support from chairs is not required. Forms used for past grant cycles will no longer be accepted. Chairs will now provide feedback using the Next Level Approval electronic form. (See step 3 of application steps below).
Applications missing any of the supporting forms will not be considered. If department chairs or directors apply, they should have the appropriate dean complete the evaluation forms for their proposal.
While divisions and schools may set different internal deadlines, applications should be completed by Monday, March 3, 2025. The Office of Internationalization will send a pdf copy of the completed application to the identified next level approver (chair/director). The Next Level Approval Form should be completed by Monday, March 10, 2025. The Office of Internationalization will send all submitted forms to the person identified as the division/college level approver. The Division/College Approval form is due by the end of the day Monday, March 17, 2025.
Applicants who have received past Internationalization Grants must have completed all requirements to be considered for this round of funding. Those requirements include use of all previously awarded funds and a final report submitted to the Office of Internationalization. Also, past recipients of Internationalization Grants will not be eligible for new awards until the award cycle of their previous grant ends.
Please see below for step-by-step application instructions.
Fall 2025 Grant Cycle - Projected Dates
The 2025-26 Fall cycle is projected to open September 8, 2025 and the proposal is due to department chairs/directors October 6, 2025. Grants are for use November 15, 2025 through June 15, 2026.
Guidance For Travel Outside of Fixed Deadline Grant Cycles
For travel that is anticipated between the spring and fall grant cycles, faculty are encouraged to apply for the Spring Grant Cycle with award consideration contingent on acceptance for proposed projects. These are the dates in the fall prior to the award notices sent in mid-November for the Fall Grant Cycle.
A conference is scheduled for October 2025. A conference presentation proposal has been or will be submitted, but acceptance will not be announced until the summer. In this scenario, faculty should submit a Spring 2025 Grant application with as much detail as possible. These proposals will be reviewed by the INTZ Grants committee and awarded during the spring cycle. Once an acceptance decision is made, grant recipients would send confirmation to If the proposal is not accepted, the funds will be pulled back by the Office of Internationalization as funds can only be used for the project awarded.We recognize that some opportunities that would align with Internationalization Grants do not time up with the scheduled grant cycles. This update is the best way to consider projects scheduled in between award cycles. Due to the committee review process, fixed deadline grants will only be reviewed and awarded during the designated grant cycles. This includes the Faculty International Engagement and Global Initiatives Grant categories. Submit additional questions to
New - Updated Workflow
Based on feedback from our updated process we have implemented a new Workflow to make the process more intuitive. Instead of having individuals save the pdf copy of forms and forward to the next level for approval, the Office of Internationalization has added questions for applicants to identify the next level approval and division/college level approval in their area. We would send the forms along with next step instructions and copy the applicant in the communication. We also changed the names of the forms to be more inclusive and take away any confusion as not all areas have the same titles such as Chairs and Deans.
Upon receipt of the grant application form the Office of Internationalization will send a pdf copy to the identified Next Level Approver. The applicant will be copied on the message, and it will include instructions on the next steps along with the link to the Next Level Approval Form. (See Step 3 in the How to Apply section)
Once the Next Level Approval Form is completed, the Office of Internationalization will send pdf copies of the form, and the application form to the identified College/Division approver. (See Step 5 in the How to Apply section)
We will send confirmation to all parties once all documents have been received.
Grant Categories
Faculty International Engagement (fixed deadlines)
These grants are intended to assist in faculty professional development with an international component. Areas of support include international research conference presentations, workshops, symposia, delivering invited keynote lectures, research collaboration or similar opportunities. Grants cover economy class airfare for international travel. Applicants should demonstrate the connection between the proposed activity and advancing internationalization and/or global learning at DU.
For example, how might you leverage the outcomes or results of this activity to add global or comparative perspectives or content to the courses you teach or to the development of your curriculum? How might this activity infuse global or international elements or components on the pedagogy, operations, functions or processes on DU's campus? Alternatively, how does the proposed activity expand the international scope of DU's partnerships or collaborations? Or how might it contribute to DU's international reputation?
Grant amount: $500 to $3,000
Additional details:
- Review Committee: INTZ Council Committee
- Deadlines: 2 annual cycles
- Limits: 1 award per year as past recipients of Internationalization Grants will not be eligible for new awards until the award cycle of their previous grant ends.
- Eligibility: All permanent faculty (tenure track and non-tenure track)
- Internationalization Grant awards prioritize funding the costs of air travel for specified projects in a proposal.
- All travel using grant funds must be booked through Concur and Internationalization Grants do not fund domestic travel.
- Internationalization Grants do not fund any compensation including faculty renumeration, consulting fees, or course buy-outs.
- Internationalization Grants do not fund short term travel courses or projects related to planning for a travel course.
Priority Funding: Proposals which involve DU’s key partnerships (such as joint conference presentation) receive priority in funding. Funding will not be awarded for conference attendance.
Global Initiatives Grants (fixed deadlines)
These larger block grants can provide funding toward collaborative initiatives and projects that develop significant aspects of global engagement at DU. Examples include (1) designing, and implementing innovative curricular or co-curricular programs with global learning or internationalized components; (2) highly impactful international joint research, scholarship, or creative work efforts leading to publication(s) (or other high-impact results); (3) establishing ongoing research centers or collaborations or (4) other significant projects which advance internationalization.
Collaborations can be with internal or external partners depending on the purpose and outcomes. To be successful, the grant application will need to include appropriate letters of support if applicable, and a detailed description of the activity and its connection to the internationalization of departmental and/or divisional curriculum or activities at the University of Denver as well as a detailed budget.
Grant amount: Up to $15,000
Additional details:
- Review Committee: INTZ Council seated committee
- Deadlines: 2 annual cycles
- Limits: 1 award per year as past recipients of Internationalization Grants will not be eligible for new awards until the award cycle of their previous grant ends.
- Collaboration: Requires collaboration between several DU units
- Internationalization Grants do not fund any compensation including faculty renumeration, consulting fees, or course buy-outs.
- Internationalization Grants do not fund short term travel courses or projects related to planning for a travel course.
- Eligibility: All faculty and staff. Adjunct faculty are encouraged to apply and must co-submit applications with at least one tenure-track/non-tenure track faculty member or permanent staff member.
Priority Funding: Proposals which involve both DU’s key partners AND multiple DU departments/units/divisions receive priority in funding.
International Partnership and Development Grants (rolling deadline)
These grants are designed to serve as a catalyst for innovative international or global initiatives that ultimately provide a significant benefit to a large section of the DU community. Underpinned by an expedited turn-around time and rolling deadlines, these grants are designed to have a prompt review process to leverage time-sensitive opportunities.
Grant amount: See amounts in the drop-down boxes in the right column by clicking the plus sign.
Additional details:
- Review Committee: Office of Internationalization
- Deadlines: Rolling
- Limits: None
- All travel using grant funds must be booked through Concur and Internationalization Grants do not fund domestic travel.
- Eligibility: All faculty and staff. Adjunct faculty are encouraged to apply and must co-submit applications with at least permanent faculty member or staff member.
Priority Funding: Projects in any of these categories which incorporate DU’s key partnerships or programs with articulated global learning elements (or new revenue generating) receive priority in funding.
Please Note: although there is a rolling deadline, applications for this category must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the proposed usage of the grant funding.
Campus Global Development
These grants provide resources to assist in integrating intercultural or global learning in campus life, through programming, curriculum development (such as COIL or internationalizing courses/programs) co-curricular initiatives, or professional development bringing global experiences to DU faculty, students, and staff. We encourage projects or initiatives related to global or international diversity, equity, and inclusion specifically, integrating or supporting international students or, and staff who are part of underserved population.
Grant Amount: Up to $3,000 per participant*
Partnership Development through Exchange
These grants are meant to forge or strengthen relations between DU and partner international institutions. Examples of activities in this category include short-term faculty and staff exchange to foster curricular, co-curricular, or institutional development. Applicants must develop a specific project with description, timelines, and outcomes and in collaboration with one of DU’s partners. Available for faculty and staff
Grant Amount: Up to $3,000 per participant*
Degree/Pathway Development
These grants are intended to support the initial or ongoing development of dual degree or degree pathway projects. These are generally undertaken in cooperation and coordination with the Office of Internationalization. Available for faculty and staff if the staff member is supporting the faculty member in development.
Grant Amount: Up to $3,000 per participant*
*Proposals with DU's Key Partners may exceed $2,500 dependent on review by the Office of Internationalization.
External Partners
Global Key Partnerships
Aim: further advance robust engagement (student mobility, faculty engagement, research collaborations, and staff/faculty exchanges) across disciplines/universities.
Criteria for key partnerships:
- Current MoU – proven historical collaborations
- Strategic university-wide engagement & future prospects/interest for collaborations
DU's Key Partnerships
Building on the original model created in 2015-16, five key partnerships are identified:
University of Western Australia (Australia)
University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)